Stories and Art

What are you doing that’s creative? Pima County Public Library invites youth, ages 9 to 18, to share your writing, art, and video

Create a recording, video, painting, drawing, or photo. Write a story, poem, or hybrid work. Doesn’t matter the medium, what matters is telling the world your story. Submit your stories and art and check our calendar for workshops, groups, or events! See below Gallery for how to submit your work.

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Teen 365 on YouTube



Click to read.

PimaLib_Teens said:

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind Yuval Noah Harari’s Sapiens explores human history through three major revolutions: the Cognitive Revolution, the Agricultural…

Read more of this comment about Sapiens
PimaLib_Teens said:

With her husband cursed to hunt her down for an eternity, Evangeline Fox finds herself once again in a partnership with the Prince of Hearts, Jacks, to…

Read more of this comment about The Ballad of Never After
PimaLib_Teens said:

What would you do if your evil stepmother curses your husband into believing he's actually in love with your stepsister? This is the exact situation Evangeline…

Read more of this comment about Once Upon A Broken Heart
PimaLib_Teens said:

After reading Guns, Germs, and Steel, I found myself reflecting deeply on the factors that have shaped human history. Jared Diamond’s analysis is both compelling…

Read more of this comment about Guns, Germs, and Steel

Audio and Video

PCPL’s Health Action Team interviews youth from Pima County One-Stop’s Summer Internship Program

Click an image to be taken to YouTube to watch the interview.

Emily interviews Flavia

Emma interviews Martin

Hannah interviews Carlene

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Submitting your work

How it works

Create audio, video, writing, or art. Look at what others have submitted and then submit your work. The library may feature your work here on the website and on our YouTube and Flickr pages. Also, we are on Instagram at pimalibrary.arts


Your choice is as wide as your imagination. Create visual art or photographs, write a short story or poetry, write a story about yourself, make music, interview a friend or family member about an experience, or film a book trailer or other video project. Check out the Tips for Stories for motivation.

How to submit

Fill out a consent form (in English or Spanish) with parent signature, and forward your consent form to OR turn it in at any branch library OR upload it with your submission.

If you are age 13 or older, submit entries here.

If you are age 12 or younger, email your stories and images of your art to Include your name, age, and a paragraph about yourself and your inspiration.

Other opportunities to publish your work

Need some help?

If you have any questions or want to share your idea and get feedback on how best to create your Story, email with ‘Story Idea’ in the subject line.


Recorded workshop

Want tips about interviewing? Watch our Teen Interview Orientation. We spent an hour chatting with Mark McLemore of AZPM about interviewing techniques.

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