E-Library: Science, Technology, & STEAM
Get Online Tutoring With Brainfuse!
Need some extra help with homework or school assignments? Brainfuse has online tutors who really know their stuff. Available in Spanish, too
Science in Context – Science News & Experiments
Science in Context has everything you want with hundreds of topics to choose from, including news articles, science experiments, and videos.
Fiero Code (formerly Prenda Code Club)
Educational, learn-to-code platform where kids and teens learn to make websites, video games, animations, programs, or apps.
Britannica Library Edition: Encyclopedia Articles & More
Fact-finding, research, and exploration for users of all ages. Includes articles, multimedia, primary sources, eBooks, & learning resources.
More for Elementary School
ABCmouse: Learning Games, Activities, eBooks (Inside lib)
Build a strong foundation in reading, language arts, math, science, social studies, art, and music. Only available in the library. Kids 2-6+
Gale in Context: Elementary (Kids InfoBits)
A fun and interactive tool for kids K–5 to find info on current events, art, science, people, history, & more. Translate to 12 languages.
Science Buddies – Hands-On Science Experiments
Looking for inspiration for a science fair project? With over 1150 ideas, students, parents, and teachers will all find something cool.
TumbleMath - K-6 math ebook database
Level up those math skills! Read books focused on math specialties from counting to geometry, with optional Common Core quizzes.
More for Middle & High School
Gale in Context: Middle & High School Research
Middle and high school students can research topics like history, geography, social issues, health, literature, science, and more.
Global Issues in Context
Get the latest information about current events happening all over the world, including videos, podcasts, interactive graphs, and maps.
LearningExpress: Middle School Center
Get help with math, social studies, English, and high school entrance exams. Includes practice, tutorials, eBooks, and more.
LearningExpress: High School Center
Improve your skills at all high school subjects: math, English, science, social studies, and more.
More Homework & Research Tools
Academic OneFile – Journals Library
Find millions of academic journal articles that cover all kinds of topics, including science and technology, medicine, the arts, & theology.
Gale General OneFile – Newspaper and Magazine Articles
Curious what's happening in the world? General OneFile is your one-stop source for popular articles on almost any topic you can think of.
MasterFILE Complete – Magazines, Journals, & Photos
Have a paper due about a serious topic? Want to know every fact there is about someone? Has an extensive collection of photos, maps & flags.
The REAL DEAL on Vaping to Take Down Tobacco in Pima County
Thank you to our friends at the Pima County Health Department for this timely, important, and informative blog!
Arizona Geological Survey Document Repository
A digital data suite of 15 collections with geologic bulletins, reports and maps published by the Arizona Geological Survey.
Brainfuse Adult Learning Center: Learn. Connect. Succeed.
Achieve your learning & career goals with LIVE academic coaching, job resources, and practice tests. Free with your library card.
Kanopy Streaming Video: Documentaries on Various Topics
Every cardholder has 15 tickets to use per month, so make your watchlist and get started!
Kanopy Streaming Video: K-12 Lessons for Students
K-12 students, watch instructional videos on subjects you'll learn about in school. Literature, math, science, history, languages, and more!
Online Courses and Tutorials
Udemy Online Courses by Gale
Udemy offers thousands of video courses in business, technology, design, health, & the arts. Take English courses in 13 native languages.
edX University Courses
Founded in a partnership between Harvard and MIT, edX offers a wide variety of free online courses from many different universities.
Khan Academy Online Courses
Free world-class education for anyone anywhere with thousands of courses that span humanities, computer science, test prep, and more.
Niche Academy - Library Tutorials
Explore video tutorials that teach you to use research, homework, eBook, & streaming library resources available for free with your card.
En Español
Ayuda con Tutores Expertos (Brainfuse)
Brainfuse apoya a estudiantes de todos los niveles. Ayuda para escribir y resumir está disponible para adultos. En español o inglés.
Enciclopedia Britannica Escolar
¡Busca, discubre, y explora la enciclopedia Britannica en español! Busca a niveles de lectura Primaria y Secundaria.
Apply online for an eCard and get access to the great resources the Library has to offer!