E-Library: Free Online Resources

Enjoy free access to eBooks, emagazines, audiobooks, music, streaming video, homework help and tools, online research and learning, and more!


DigitalLearn: Computer Basics Online Classes

Tackle technology and learn the basics at your own pace and gain more confidence with computers.

RefAid App

Shows migrants, refugees, & those who help them where to find services from trusted aid organizations–on a map with a simple interface.

We have the tools you need to get your homework done. See what we have for all school subjects: free online tutoring, skills sheets, online tools from our E-Library, and recommended books.

Apply online for an eCard and get access to the great resources the Library has to offer!

Online Learning

DigitalLearn: Computer Basics Online Classes

Tackle technology and learn the basics at your own pace and gain more confidence with computers.

LearningExpress Library: Recursos Para Hispanohablantes

Este centro ofrece práctica para mejorar las habilidades básicas, práctica para el examen de GED® o ser ciudadano estadounidense.

Udemy Online Courses by Gale

Udemy offers thousands of video courses in business, technology, design, health, & the arts. Take English courses in 13 native languages.

Pronunciator Language Learning

Learn any of 80 different languages at your own pace, or learn English in 50 languages. Use in a browser or via the app.

Encuentre ayuda y herramientas en línea para aprender inglés, avanzar en su educación, tutoría en línea gratuita, encontrar un trabajo, mejorar sus finanzas, obtener sus beneficios de ciudadanía y gobierno, entender el sistema legal y estar saludable.

Job and Career Resources

Career Prep: Gale Peterson's - Resumes & Career Exploration

Discover a new career, write a cover letter or resume, and get interview or career change advice.

DigitalLearn: Conceptos básicos de computación

Tratar la tecnología y aprender los conceptos básicos a su propio ritmo y ganar más confianza con las computadoras.

LearningExpress Library: Career Center

Find the job or career for you! Prepare for occupational entrance exams, explore career opportunities, and expand upon workplace skills.

For Kids

Check out the great online resources that the library has available for the younger members of the family.

Kanopy Streaming Video: K-12 Lessons for Students

K-12 students, watch instructional videos on subjects you'll learn about in school. Literature, math, science, history, languages, and more!

CultureGrams: Countries & Culture

Doing a report? Curious about the world? Find fast facts & info about states, countries, & cultures. Recipes, country statistics, & more.

LearningExpress: Elementary School Center

Get help with math and reading by working through practice sets by grade level.

For Tweens & Teens

Check out the great online resources that the library has available for older kids and teens.

LearningExpress: Middle School Center

Get help with math, social studies, English, and high school entrance exams. Includes practice, tutorials, eBooks, and more.

U.S. History in Context: Take a deep dive into US history

Looking for U.S. history for a homework assignment, a paper, or a lesson plan? Includes biographies, court cases, decades, wars, & more.

Opposing Viewpoints – Current Events & Topics

Get opposing opinions on today's hot-button social issues, then get more information from articles, videos, interactive maps, and more.

New eBooks

New eAudiobooks

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