Don’t miss another great Library lineup at the Tucson Festival of Books!

(Tucson, AZ) It's almost time for the 2025 Tucson Festival of Books (Saturday, March 15 - Sunday, March 16) and the Library has some great panels lined up at its Nuestras Raíces tent in front of the U of A Main Library.

Readers can enjoy ten presentations featuring such renowned authors as Cynthia Pelayo (Forgotten Sisters), Stanley Milford Jr. (The Paranormal Ranger), Tim Z. Hernandez (They Call You Back), and the Library's Writer in Residence, Tom Holm. The panels are coordinated by multiple library teams, including Nuestras Raíces, Pride, Many Nations, and Biblio Lotus.

Hassael Cazesuz, who oversees the team planning the Festival lineup, says, "We're excited to once again celebrate the culture, voices, and heritage of our Latinx, Spanish-speaking, and Indigenous communities in Pima County. We hope our community of readers has a wonderful time!"

Click on the links below to find descriptions of each presentation. Moderators include notable Tucsonans Selina Barajas, Mari Herreras, Dominique Calza, and Karla Silva, among others.

Saturday, March 15 

Sunday, March 16

There will also be three presentations by Southwest Books of the Year authors:

Saturday, March 15 

  • 2:30 pm
    Featured authors: Sydney Graves, Marcela Fuentes, Willy Vlautin

Sunday, March 16

  • 11:30 am
    Featured authors: Zoë Bossiere, Kevin Fedarko, Forrest Gander, Zak Podmore
  • 2:30 pm
    Featured authors: Sydney Graves, Silvana Esparza, Melani Martinez

These events will be held in the U of A Main Library / Special Collections.

Writer in Residence Tom Holm will lead a workshop—Native American Storytelling—on Saturday, March 15 at 11:30 in the Integrated Learning Center, Room 125AB. In addition, there will be a book giveaway for youth in the Teen Area and an opportunity for attendees to visit the Library's Bookmobile to get a library card and check out books!