
Use these free online tools from our E-Library to do your homework or explore a subject in depth.

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The state library offers access to many online tools for free without a library card. Check out what they have available.

Upcoming Homework Help

Tutors are available every day from 2 pm to 11 pm to help students of all ages with homework and school assignments covering all subjects. These expert tutors really know their stuff. Available in English or Spanish.

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Reading & Writing

Skills Sheets - English


Skills Sheets - Español


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Our librarians are available for outreach visits to teach your students about what the Library offers for them.

More to Explore


Learn about National Constitution Day, September 17th

Did you know that September 17th is National Constitution Day? On this date in 1787 the Founding Fathers signed the Constitution.

Channel that creative spirit and write on!

Are you inspired by the story of the 2nd grader who wrote his own book, then convinced his local library to add it to their collection?

Growth Mindsets: The Power of Praising Process & Persistence

Valuing process and persistence is part of embracing a growth mindset: believing that everyone can grow intellectually through effort.

¿Tiene muchas tareas? ¿Pero no tiene internet?

La respuesta es el hotspot personal: Un punto de acceso portátil para el Internet. Homework? No internet for school? Request a hotspot!


Women of Aviation Week (March 3-9) marks the anniversary of the world's first female pilot license. Read more with these books for all ages!

Celebrating Latinas for Women's History Month!

March is Women's History Month! Here are some books for kids about and/or by mujeres Latinas in honor of the occasion.

Celebrate Indigenous Women's History

March is Women's History Month & the Many Nations team wants to make sure you have stories about Indigenous women to share with your kiddos!
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