E-Library: History


Britannica Library Edition: Encyclopedia Articles & More

Fact-finding, research, and exploration for users of all ages. Includes articles, multimedia, primary sources, eBooks, & learning resources.

CultureGrams: Countries & Culture

Doing a report? Curious about the world? Find fast facts & info about states, countries, & cultures. Recipes, country statistics, & more.

U.S. History in Context: Take a deep dive into US history

Looking for U.S. history for a homework assignment, a paper, or a lesson plan? Includes biographies, court cases, decades, wars, & more.

World History in Context

Find articles, videos, images, & more to explore the history of the world and the people, cultures, religions, politics, eras, & conflicts.

More for Students

Explora for Students and Educators

Doing homework? Explora covers all school subjects for elementary, middle, and high school. Easy-to-use search or browse by topic.

Gale in Context: Elementary (Kids InfoBits)

A fun and interactive tool for kids K–5 to find info on current events, art, science, people, history, & more. Translate to 12 languages.

Gale in Context: Middle & High School Research

Middle and high school students can research topics like history, geography, social issues, health, literature, science, and more.

Literature Resource Center - All About Authors

Take a dive into the works & lives of 130K+ writers worldwide throughout history. Criticisms, biographies, images, and audio interviews.

LearningExpress: Elementary School Center

Get help with math and reading by working through practice sets by grade level.

LearningExpress: Middle School Center

Get help with math, social studies, English, and high school entrance exams. Includes practice, tutorials, eBooks, and more.

LearningExpress: High School Center

Improve your skills at all high school subjects: math, English, science, social studies, and more.

Kanopy Streaming Video: Documentaries on Various Topics

Every cardholder has 15 tickets to use per month, so make your watchlist and get started!

Courses, Tutorials, & Exercises

edX University Courses

Founded in a partnership between Harvard and MIT, edX offers a wide variety of free online courses from many different universities.

Khan Academy Online Courses

Free world-class education for anyone anywhere with thousands of courses that span humanities, computer science, test prep, and more.

Niche Academy - Library Tutorials

Explore video tutorials that teach you to use research, homework, eBook, & streaming library resources available for free with your card.

The REAL DEAL on Vaping to Take Down Tobacco in Pima County

Thank you to our friends at the Pima County Health Department for this timely, important, and informative blog!

En Español

Ayuda con Tutores Expertos (Brainfuse)

Brainfuse apoya a estudiantes de todos los niveles. Ayuda para escribir y resumir está disponible para adultos. En español o inglés.

Enciclopedia Britannica Escolar

¡Busca, discubre, y explora la enciclopedia Britannica en español! Busca a niveles de lectura Primaria y Secundaria.

Acceda Noticias - Periódicos en español

Leer e investigar los periódicos en español de todo el mundo, incluidos los archivos que datan de la década de 1980.

Black History

Black Freedom Struggle in the United States

Collection of primary sources about the African American struggle for civil and human rights, categorized into separate time periods.

Black Life in America

Comprehensive coverage of the African American experience from the early 18th century to the present day for research and study.

Celebrate Black Cinema during Black History Month

Pick from history, biographies, current events, or feature films. All free on Kanopy with your library card.

The REAL DEAL on Vaping to Take Down Tobacco in Pima County

Thank you to our friends at the Pima County Health Department for this timely, important, and informative blog!

More History Tools: eBooks, Journals, Magazines, Newspapers, Primary Sources

Arizona Daily Star: Search Archives and Image Collection

Use NewsBank to read articles and other content from the Arizona Daily Star from 1991 to the present.

Arizona Digital Newspaper Program

Read historic newspapers from the state of Arizona published between 1859 and 1922.

Chronicling America – Historic U.S. Newspapers

Search America's historic newspapers from 1836–1922 or find information about American newspapers published from 1690 to today.

Gale General OneFile – Newspaper and Magazine Articles

Curious what's happening in the world? General OneFile is your one-stop source for popular articles on almost any topic you can think of.

Academic OneFile – Journals Library

Find millions of academic journal articles that cover all kinds of topics, including science and technology, medicine, the arts, & theology.

Arizona Genealogy: Historic Birth and Death Certificates

Doing Arizona research? Find microfilmed copies of birth certificates from 1855-1939 and death certificates from 1870-1964.

Arizona Geological Survey Document Repository

A digital data suite of 15 collections with geologic bulletins, reports and maps published by the Arizona Geological Survey.

Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)

Photographs, books, maps, news footage, oral histories, personal letters, museum objects, artwork, government documents, and so much more.

HeritageQuest Genealogy Research

Delve into your past using census records, Revolutionary War & Freedman's Bank records, books, local history, & magazine & journal articles.

Library of Congress National Screening Room

Discover hundreds of motion pictures otherwise unavailable, both copyrighted and public domain, freely accessible to the viewers worldwide.

MasterFILE Complete – Magazines, Journals, & Photos

Have a paper due about a serious topic? Want to know every fact there is about someone? Has an extensive collection of photos, maps & flags.

The REAL DEAL on Vaping to Take Down Tobacco in Pima County

Thank you to our friends at the Pima County Health Department for this timely, important, and informative blog!

Exploring Race in Society

Essays, articles & reports provide an in-depth look at the history of and critical context for learning about race, ethnicity & diversity.

National Archives

Find documents, photos, & records to explore American history and your family history, or search for veterans' military service information.

Open Arizona - University of Arizona Press

Free UA Press titles in eBook format that explore the histories and experiences of Indigenous and Latino groups in the southwestern US.

Reading Arizona Collection: Arizona Voices

A collection of 70+ titles related to the racial equity and social justice struggles faced by populations throughout Arizona’s history.

Apply online for an eCard and get access to the great resources the Library has to offer!

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