About the Bookbike

The Bookbike gives out free books, library cards,  and information about library programs, as well as bike maps and information about bicycling events.

We have three Bookbikes that go out on monthly visits as well as showing up at special events. Our Bookbike fleet operates within a five-mile radius of the Joel D. Valdez Main Library and the Valencia Library.

In our first six years of operation (2012-2023), the Bookbike staff and volunteers went to 1,427 events, rode 3,692 miles, talked to 81,279 people, and gave away 104,564 books!

Volunteer: If you want to volunteer with the Bookbike, contact:

Donate books: If you would like to donate any books for our Bookbikes, you can bring them to any branch and let staff know they are specifically for the Bookbike. We always need books in Spanish, Westerns, Science Fiction, and Children’s books.

Where are the bikes? See a listing of upcoming Bookbike stops and volunteer trainings

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