Charitable Giving

Looking for a charitable organization to donate to? We've assembled a few resources to help you research which organization might be the right match for your money. No matter what causes you would like to support, check these sources to get a better idea of where your money goes.

JustGive — Research an organization. Allows donations via the JustGive website. |

Arizona Secretary of State Charitable Organizations System — Search by charity name, the name it may be doing business as (DBA), or a keyword that describes the purpose of the organization. |

Better Business Bureau of Southern Arizona — Lists local charities that have BBB accreditation. |

Contributions to QCOs and QFCOs | Arizona Department of Revenue ( - Arizona provides two separate tax credits for individuals who make contributions to charitable organizations: one for donations to Qualifying Charitable Organizations (QCO) and the second for donations to Qualifying Foster Care Charitable Organizations (QFCO). To see lists of qualifying organizations visit the Arizona Department of Revenue, opens a new window

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