Arizona State Officials’ Salaries

Salaries for Arizona state elected officials are a matter of public record.

See General Fund Salary Adjustments for State Employees Since FY 2024 (PDF, Page 505), Fiscal Year 2024 Appropriations Report.

Governor - $95,000
Secretary of State - $70,000
Treasurer - $70,000
Attorney General - $90,000
Superintendent of Public Instruction - $85,000
Corporation Commissioners - $79,500
Mine Inspector - $50,000
Supreme Court Chief Justice - $212,000
Other Supreme Court Justices - $205,000
Appellate Judges - $190,000
Superior Court Judges - $164,700
Legislators - $24,000

For a fiscal history, look under “Historical Spending”

BALLOTPEDIA *The Encyclopedia of American Politics reports on Arizona state government salary, opens a new window.


"General Fund Salary Adjustments for State Employees Since FY 2011."

BALLOTPEDIA *The Encyclopedia of American Politics |

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