Are the books on your hold list so popular that you found yourself #200 on the waiting list for them? Find read-alikes to get instant gratification, and try out power-user secrets for managing your holds queue like a pro.
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When you look at a popular book in our catalog, there are suggestions for other titles you might like right in the catalog record.
Click on a title, then scroll down on the page to see the section with book covers for similar titles. Some of those might be available while you wait for your hold to come in.
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Scroll down below that box, and you'll see Explore further, which has more related titles and similar authors.
Or, use that handy View all recommendations button to get even more titles, and at the bottom of that list, you can go to View all from NoveList, to find even more!
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But wait, those read-alikes sound interesting, but how managing your hold list to its maximum potential? Don't worry, I have more tips, keep reading!
Use the holds, Luke
Have you ever noticed that some people seem ahead of the curve when it comes to getting their holds? Like, why do you always end up 90th in line for the new James Patterson, how does that lucky #1 person do it? Here are some tips from the power users who have this down to an art:
- Saved searches make it easy to check on your favorite authors. If you run your saved searches regularly, you'll see when we add a new title by your favorite author, and there's a good chance you'll start out higher up on the waiting list.
- Use our suspend hold feature to micromanage your hold queue. If you want to keep your place in line, but aren't going to be able to pick it up, don't cancel the hold and move back to the end of the line! Just pause your hold to keep your position on the list.
- Yes, there's a 20-item-at-a-time limit on holds, but consider this: that does not include holds on digital materials, such as audiobooks and ebooks available through our OverDrive and Hoopla services. If some of the items taking up precious slots in your queue are ones you wouldn't mind getting in another format, consider going digital.
- Finally, power users and casual browsers alike have an equal chance of coming across a Lucky Day item! You can see if we have them in our catalog, but borrower beware, they're first come, first served! No holds or renewals allowed, which makes them easy to snag on the Lucky Day Shelf at your favorite branch. OverDrive (and its Libby app) even has Lucky Day items.
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