Talk, Sing, Read, Write, and Play to build your baby’s brain

As your child’s first and best teacher, you can help them get ready for school by incorporating five simple early literacy practices into your daily routine. Talk, Sing, Read, Write, and Play with your child every day!

Early literacy is what children know about reading and writing before they actually read or write.

Here at Pima County Public Library, we strive to incorporate bite-sized early literacy tips into all children’s programs and events, and now we are adding blogging into the mix!

Our blog will feature tips and tricks you can use at home with your child every day. We’ll help you learn how talking, singing, reading, writing, and playing will help your child get ready for school.

The posts are written by our expert children’s services team, and we’ll have something new for you every week.

Visit the Birth to Five page to read what we have so far and come back weekly to learn new ways you can interact with your little one.