Operation Deep Freeze is on

OPERATION DEEP FREEZE (ODF) IS ON UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. A limited number of overflow shelter beds are available for people seeking safe shelter from the weather.

Operation Deep Freeze (ODF) is Tucson's winter severe weather emergency shelter for people experiencing homelessness. ODF goes into effect when weather predictions for overnight temperatures are 40°F or lower with rain, 35°F or lower without rain, or when wind chill factors indicate a health hazard from exposure. You do not need an ID or a TB card to participate in ODF.

How to Join Operation Deep Freeze

  1. Go to the Salvation Army Hospitality House, 1002 N. Main Ave., between 3:00-5:00pm for intake. Dinner is served between 5 - 6 p.m. Exit is by 8:00am the next morning.  A limit of two bags of personal belongings are allowed upon entry.
  2. People identifying as male can go to the Primavera Men's shelter at 200 E. Benson Highway for intake at 4:30pm.  Unable to accommodate level 3 sex offenders. 
  3. People identifying as female (adults only) can go to Sister Jose’s Women’s Center, 1050 S. Park Ave, at 9am to request a bed for the evening. Return at 5pm for admission and dinner.  Exit is at 7am the next morning, after breakfast.
  4. For additional sheltering options, call Sullivan-Jackson Employment Center Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:30pm at 520-724-7300. 

How to Check the Operation Deep Freeze Status

Here are three ways to check the status of ODF from the Tucson Pima Collaboration to End Homelessness (TPCH):

  1. Visit the TPCH website
  2. Check the TPCH Facebook page
  3. Sign up for email notifications from TPCH