Meet Holly of the Synapse Team!

In this blog series, we're introducing members of the Library's Synapse Team. Today, we're excited to introduce you to Holly from the Communications & Systems Office at Joel D. Valdez Main Library.

What do you do to turn things around when you’re having a bad day?

I like coloring books. They make me feel like a creative genius when all I really have to do is color in between the lines. They’re very relaxing, especially if you invest in a gigantic box of colored pencils spanning every hue imaginable. I particularly love Johanna Basford’s books. They’re very whimsical and the finished pieces always lift me up.

What’s a common piece of advice you don’t agree with and why?

It’s not a piece of advice, but an idiom: It takes a village to raise a child. Parenting is hard. Parenting is rewarding. And parenting is all the things in between those two. Some people don’t have a village and don’t need to be reminded.

What’s the best advice you were ever given? Who was it from?

My sister, at a time when I very much needed to be easy on myself, once told me, “Give yourself some grace.” One simple sentence, so much meaning.

What energizes you at work? What kinds of activities energize you in general?

Hands down, my colleagues. I am grateful to work with a group of talented and compassionate individuals who care for both the work they do, and each other.

What’s a small act of kindness you were once shown that you’ll never forget?

I was attending the University of Arizona when my mom passed away. Dr. Christopher Carroll, who taught English Literature, didn’t bat an eye when he told me to take as long as I need. No assignments would be due, no penalties. He looked at me and said, “You come first right now.”

Who is your hero? Why?

A couple of people that I admire are Gregory Alan Isakov and Jon Muth. Isakov is a singer/songwriter who lives in Boulder, CO. I was introduced to his music at an acoustic Brandi Carlile concert many years ago and, since then, I’ve always turned to it when I’m deep in my feels. Not only is his music incredible, but he owns his own independent record label, and runs a small farm that provides produce to local residents.

I’ve loved children’s book author and illustrator Jon Muth since I discovered his Zen series of books featuring Stillwater the Panda and his nephew, Koo (who speaks in Haiku). The series has been described as “quietly life-changing” – I don’t disagree.

Where would you be right now if you had zero obligations and money didn’t matter?

Completing something from my bucket list… travelling across North America with my soon-to-be-wife to visit all of the National Parks, starting from the east at Arcadia National Park in Maine.

What motivates you most to come to work?

Knowing that I’m supporting the work of library staff who greatly care for our community. Working in marketing, it’s an honor to highlight their work and play a role in really elevating the importance of libraries.

What books would you like to share with us today?

I'm a lifelong fiction reader. Some of my favorites...

A Confederacy of Dunces

Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock

Say Goodbye for Now

The Kew Gardens Girls

Palisades Park

The Story of Edgar Sawtelle

Colton Gentry's Third Act

The Midnight Library