Graceling is a unique story about a country divided into seven kingdoms. Wester, Nander, Estill, Middluns, Sunder, Monsea and Lienid. The five middle kingdoms are always at war, with Monsea and Lienid being the two most peaceful kingdoms. The citizens of these kingdoms are split into two groups, the graced and the normal. Graced people have extraordinary skill for one special ability. These abilities range from being a graced chef to a graced warrior.
Our protagonist is Katsa, a dangerous Graceling with a grace for killing. She has been under her uncle's thumb since her grace was shown. Her uncle is the King of the Middluns. While her Uncle uses her abilities for his kingdom she also works with a group of soldiers attempting to keep peace throughout the lands. Now, she is investigating the kidnapping of a Lienid prince, and finds herself thrown into an adventure full of intrigue, and shrouded in mystery. She discovers trust, love and self-confidence.
This book was particularly interesting, because Katsa is such a strong female character. Yes, she does have a love interest, but the book does not revolve around their relationship. Katsa chooses to put her duty to end a tyrannical rule in front of personal feelings. She is also not your typical feminine character, she is standoffish, uncompromising, and cold. Through her crazy journey she begins to realize that she is worth more than she thinks. The story is all about finding self acceptance and trust in others.
-Priyanka, River Teen Advisory Board