Art Exhibit ~ Nina Beland

Kirk-Bear Canyon Library invites you to view the work of local artist Nina Beland. The exhibit, Diversity in the Desert II, will be on display until June 30, 2024.

Artist Statement:

Nina’s formative years were spent in rural Wisconsin, and having moved from state to state throughout her life, she currently lives in Tucson, Arizona. This is where she acquired her bond with the Sonoran Desert, appreciating the beauty and also harshness of the Desert. Upon re-retirement as a science teacher, Nina began pain2ng.

During years of study with local and national artists, Nina developed her unique style of painting. Although most of Nina’s pain2ngs are abstract, they generally portray some human/earth connection. Her use of acrylic oIen combines with textured papers or perhaps a surprise element of a found “oddment”. As a result, the mixed-media pain2ngs become more interesting to the viewer. Nina has exhibited her award-winning pain2ngs throughout Southern Arizona including the Tucson Interna2onal Airport, Tucson Public Library, Habitat for Humanity Headquarters, financial ins2tutes, medical facili2es, and various galleries in the area. She has artwork in many private collec2ons in Arizona and other loca2ons in the United States, Canada, and Germany.