Kirk-Bear Canyon Library invites you to view the works of local woodturner Charlie Little, on display until May 31, 2024.
Artist statement:
Greetings from Charlie Little, woodturner and creator of functional art items made from hardwoods that grow primarily in the Tucson area and have been saved from the fire pit. Mesquite, Italian Cyress, Chinaberry, Hackberry, and Aspen from Pinetop, AZ, are some of my favorite wood species.
A brief background - I finished my first turnings on a foot-powered lathe while stationed in England in the early 50's. Those turnings, now 70 years old, are proudly on display in my eldest daughter's home and they still look new. Then life, making a living got in the way!
No more turnings until my first retirement in 1988 from school administration. I was a teacher at Buena High School from 1958 to 1966; and then a Sierra Vista Jr. High Principal from 1966 through 1976.
We moved to Pinetop, Arizona in 1976 and had 12 great years there as Principal of Blue Ridge High School. I took early retirement in 1988 and spent the next 5 years building our retirement home and traveling. Then, fortunately, was hired by Northern Arizona University as part of NAU's off-campus educator program.
After 5 years, retired again! Now what? Back to my love of creating functional art items from wood. Items that, with care, will last for decades. I look forward to several more years of turning wood on my lathe. If my work brings lasting pleasure to others, my own joy in living is more complete.