Did you know that one of the Seed Library's goals is to become self-sustaining? One day the seeds shared will come from seeds that you grew.
Sketching the Senses
Garnet-colored pomegranate bursting with seeds and juice, mesquite pods rattling and ready to become sweet and earthy drinks, the cool breeze of a desert evenin
It’s time for One Seed 2024!
Dig in and start growing!
It's time for a community-wide seed growing and seed saving adventure! Yes, One Seed Pima County is kicking off! This year's selecte
Celebrating National Honey Bee Day
Happy National Honey Bee Day! This special day has been set aside for the citizens of the United States to acknowledge and celebrate the vital role Honey Bees have on our food system and to bring greater awareness to the vulnerability that Honey Bees and other bee species face in our world today so that we can take action to protect them—and I am here for it!
Spotlight on the Seed Library
Last year, the Seed Library Team accomplished some amazing things!
The thing that’s most important about the Seed Library is how it creates a supportive networ
Now Sowing: Lettuce (January–February, September–November)
Seed Saving Level: Easy: Perfect, self-pollinating flowers. Little out-crossing with lettuce so isolation is not a big concern.
Fresh Seed Library News: Find seeds by searching for the planting month
We make it easy to find which seeds you can plant when. You can search our seeds in the catalog by month!
Now Sowing: Nasturtium (October–December)
Nasturtium is a quick-growing, colorful annual with edible flowers. They like full sun.
New to borrowing seeds from the Seed Library? Here’s all you need to know to get growing!
The Seed Library is a community resource of open-pollinated and heirloom seeds that you can borrow from to plant and grow at home.
Time to Harvest Okra!
Okra can be sowed March 15 – June 15. If you planted seeds this spring, your okra might be ready for harvest!
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