Here are three thrilling novels featuring intrepid and courageous kids, recommended by library staff.
Three (Picture) Books on a Theme: Developing a Musical Style
Music is everywhere for those who listen for it. It is ever-present and all around. Often, those who hear music everywhere find joy in sharing music with others.
Channel that creative spirit and write on!
Are you inspired by the story of the second grader who wrote and illustrated his own book, then convinced his local library to add it to their collection?
Growth Mindsets: The Power of Praising Process and Persistence
Valuing process and persistence is part of embracing a growth mindset: believing that everyone can grow intellectually through effort.
Three Books on a Theme: Picture Books about Perseverance
I don’t know if you’ve felt the same way, but resilience has been hard for me lately. I miss my pre-pandemic life. It’s harder to adapt to setbacks and changes
Skill Sheets and More: Help with Homework
As the pandemic continues to pose challenges for our community, the Library continues to support learners with their academic skills.
Helping Kids Focus on Homework
What do the experts say to help get kids ready to focus on homework?
Do you need a media mentor?
Our youth staff can help you find excellent resources, and they can model safe and effective digital device use.
¡A cantar, bailar y aprender!
Cuando cantan juntos, apoyan una experiencia divertida durante el aprendizaje y al mismo tiempo crean un vínculo emocional entre padre e hijo.
Southern Arizona is for the birds! (So let’s go birding!)
Did you know that you can see more than 500 species of birds in Tucson alone?
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