
Digital Audiobook Services

OverDrive eBooks and Audiobooks

Cozy up with an ebook or a downloadable audiobook on your Kindle or the Libby App!

Libby app by OverDrive

Did you know your local library has thousands of ebooks and audiobooks? Use them on the device in your hand on iOS, Android, & Windows 10+.

Hoopla: eBooks, Audiobooks, Comics, Music, TV, and Movies

Hoopla offers nearly one million pieces of media, from ebooks to Acorn TV series, available to borrow at anytime, no waiting!

Teen Book Cloud

Read, watch, listen! Find videos, hi-lo novels, classics, poetry, readalongs, graphic novels, audiobooks, & more, all available at any time.

Pimsleur: Trusted Language Learning Sets

Learn a new language with Pimsleur in both audiobook CD and audiobook download formats.

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Staff Picks & More

Audiobooks: Staff Picks Masonry Block

Say What?!

Enjoy this selection of outlandish, clever, and wacky titles I found in the wild for your amusement.

Rest and Self Care

These titles are all about resting, slowing down, finding calm, love and acceptance, and trying to quiet the noises in our heads.

Mr. E's Top Ten Unique Mysteries!

I detect an interest in solving puzzles and armchair sleuthing? Maybe a mashup of different genres, like horror thriller or fantasy mystery?

Powerful, female-led historical fiction

This Women's History Month, Dr. Ingbach is excited to share his favorite historical fiction novels featuring compelling female protagonists.

In Her Goddess Era: Women in Mythology

Meet awe-inspiring, mystical, powerful women from world mythology through one of these 10 captivating picks.

Quintessential QTBIPOC Voices at TFoB 2025

Find your community with these QTBIPOC authors presenting at TFoB 2025.

Love and Basketball

It's almost March Madness time, which means it's a great time to read some basketball romance!

Nigeria, Nigeria

Immerse yourself in stories with ties to Nigeria, written by Nigerian and Nigerian diaspora writers, with the books on this list.

Dynamic siblings

From rivalry to close friendship, these siblings have deep-rooted childhood bonds that make the stories really stand out.

Community Engagement & Outreach Office Staff Picks

Here are some titles that the staff in Pima County Public Library's Community Engagement & Outreach Office enjoyed last month!

Another great lineup at the Tucson Festival of Books!

It's almost time for the Tucson Festival of Books (March 15-16) and the Library has some great panels lined up at its Nuestras Raíces tent!

On Your Marks... Get Set ... Place Your Holds! - March 2025

These new books by Latinx authors or about the Latinx community are coming out in March to a library branch (or e-reading device) near you!

Women Who Ball: Female Basketball Stars Past and Present

Learn more about powerhouse female basketballers who provide inspiration both on and off the court this Women's History Month (March).

Books to celebrate statehood - March edition

March is a busy month for states that gained statehood: Nebraska, Vermont, Ohio, Florida, and Maine. Read books set in these great states!

Mike's Favorite Reads!

One of our longtime Himmel clerks is retiring soon. But before he goes, he wanted to share some of his favorite reads over the years.

Saturday Night Live - 50th Anniversary Edition

Relive your favorite moments from the show, learn the lore, and celebrate the comedians who have made us laugh for half a century.

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